Wednesday, August 20, 2014

My view of child development

My view on child development has largely been shaped by those who came before me. Early in my career I saw a quote by Jennie Lindon who is a child psychologist who has written many books about early care and learning. The quote is

 " A skilled five year old grows from a busy four year old, a curious three year old, a cuddled two year old, an adventurous one year old and a communicative baby."

This quote embodies how children grow and develop. Infants who are spoken too, held and communicated with form secure attachments and begin to explore on their own all the while still knowing that they can come back to the adults in their environment and be reassured and know that they are loved and cared for. The secure attachments that develop during the infant and toddler years allow for preschoolers to ask questions and try new things. It is trying new things that increases skill level and abilities that are the foundation for later school and life success.