Saturday, November 22, 2014

Politcs of Preschool- Web Resources

This week the National Institute for Early Childhood Research had a link to an article written in the Atlantic written by Alia Wong. In her article titled The Politics of 'Pre-K', Wong discusses the push for universal Pre-K programs, and how politicians use the word Pre-K as opposed to preschool because it signifies the one year prior to kindergarten entry. Many pre-k programs that are funded by government agencies will only fund children for one year, but many state and federal politicians are really beginning to view early childhood as an investment, as are businesses who are looking for skilled workforce.

As I looked through the website I saw that there were several articles from several newspapers and other publications discussing  the need for expansion of universal preschool programs, the more that the topic is making mainstream media the more traction the movement gets.


Wong, A. (2014, November 19). The politics of ‘Pre-K’, preschool and prekindergarten are the same thing—aren’t they? The Atlantic. Retrieved from:

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