Friday, May 16, 2014

Everyday Discoveries

 During my day I often find myself wondering down to the infant classroom and spending time with the infants. One of the reasons I love spending time in there and why I was drawn to working with infants and toddlers was because you see new discoveries daily. Earlier this week during one of my visits I was watching one of the 15 month old enrolled in our infant program sitting and working with a puzzle. Each time he put piece in the spot he would clap. As I watched him I thought about how often we overlook these everyday discoveries because we are too busy to notice. This child was demonstrating a strong sense of self and recognition of his own accomplishments. I moved near him and we he clapped I simply said "You did it, you found another piece", after I engaged him he would look at me and clap each time, so a strong relationship with adults was being demonstrated. He moved around the room to find more puzzles and pieces and brought them back to where I was sitting to complete the puzzle.
This simple story shows how important it is to take time and observe what children are doing before we interrupt and respond.

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