Saturday, May 30, 2015


This week I was talking to a co-worker about my mom, who we are looking to move into an assisted living senior building or other such facility. The person I was talking to is of another ethnic group. As we talked about my mom the second I mentioned an assisted living or senior  home her body language shifted slightly and she said "Are you sure you want do do that, My mom would come live with me if she couldn't be on her own anymore". I felt that she was judging me and something was wrong with my family because none of my siblings are offering to take her in and care for her.

Since reading this week about micro-aggressions and biases, I felt more comfortable about telling her that I understood that different families have different cultural values and believes on to best support aging parents, and what is right for my mom, may not be right for hers or for my in-laws.  Since studying Micro-aggressions I have been much more aware of how I treat others and take an additional second before I say something that might be judgemental or biased against someone.

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