Friday, July 24, 2015

My Communication Style

I get nervous before speaking before a small of large group, I do not see myself as a confident speaker. As I get ready for a presentation large or small I begin to feel my heart race, my palms get sweaty and my mouth becomes dry. This week I evaluated myself in terms of my communication ability, then had others answer the same questions about how they saw my confidence level. I was really surprised by the difference in the results. Those who I asked saw me as more confident then I saw myself. After the questions were answered, one person asked me how I felt I was. I described how I felt before giving a simple department report and the person who was giving me feedback was really surprised by how nervous I feel inside, because it doesn't show outside.
Over the next few weeks I will be presenting at a few different workshops and to help keep my nerves down I practice and practice. The better I know the material the more relaxed I am on the outside, but I am still nervous on the inside.

The second survey I took and had others evaluate me on was on verbal-aggressiveness in my communication.These were fairly consistent between all three survey's I show a moderate level of aggressiveness when communicating with others, More so on a personal level, then a professional level. Knowing this will allow me to develop my communication skills when I am feeling attacked and not respond on the defensive.

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